Submitted By:
Melania Petrillo
Department of International Relations and Public Affairs, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai, China
In March 2019 China and Italy signed nineteen deals stated in the Memorandum of Understanding, that set off a new era for the Sino Italian economic partnership. Italy joined the “Belt and Road Initiative”, representing the first G7 country to sign an agreement on the infrastructure maxi plan of the People’s Republic of China, which includes ports, railway lines, roads, and maritime corridors. The author has begun to collect data from the most relevant newspapers, media of Italy, China, Europe, the United States, and official government sources to monitor the development of events related to the signature of the MOU between Beijing and Rome. The present research can fill a chronological gap of the relationship found in some of the previous academic works, pondering the progress in different fields during the current century: infrastructures, economy, culture, education, science and technology, innovation, society, military, arts, fashion, food, and tourism. The latest advancement of the China-Italy economic partnership is examined through the cross-national comparative method and the discourse analysis, exploring the benefits and the advantages for both countries, considering from one side the economic recess of Italy (lack of investments in the infrastructures, lack of investments in the research and innovation field, etc.) but its strategic geographical position, and the quality of the “Made in Italy” products; from the other side, the importance of Chinese direct investments in Italy, imports-exports and the advantages of joining the BRI.
It is concluded that China and Italy will maintain a long and strong bilateral partnership over the years thanks to the constant dialogue and cooperation of the institutions. This research demonstrates the results of this win-win bilateral partnership and the benefits that both countries perceive.
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